Print closer to hems, seams and zippers with confidence
Print every garment in the exact same location as the last one
Laseit will provide you and your employees with a much more relaxed atmosphere knowing you are printing everything exactly where it belongs on every garment.
Print much more accurately no matter what you are printing on
Increase your bottom line with faster and more accurate production
Add name drops with both speed and precision
Installing Laseit is inexpensive, fast and simple using our rock solid installation kits
Correct misspelled words using Laseit
Yes there are more
Use Laseit to assist you in printing Numbers, even multi-colored numbers
Produce oversized prints using regular screens with your current equipment using Laseit
Hoop every garment in the exact same location with ease
Print more accurately while using your digital printer
Buy at no risk with our 30 day money back Guarantee.
Place names above numbers with precision
Print both sides of the zipper on full zip hoodies using one stroke with confidence like never before
Dare to print on pockets and do so with precision
Use Laseit to register your pallets to each other
Use Laseit and stop having to draw guide lines on your pallets forever.
Print backpacks, roll bags and other non standard products with precision like never before.
Print on shirt cuffs with confidence and precision.
Drastically speed up printing times using Laseit.
Print precisely on patterned shirts using Laseit
Print on shirt collars precisely on the exact location desired and repeat it on everyone